Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Tuesday - the new Monday...

Since baby Fig moved back home less than 2 weeks ago, the house and my head have been in turmoil! 
Currently she works Tuesday to Saturday, so very quickly her 'weekend' has become ours - meaning my so called working week also starts on a Tuesday when peace and quiet return to the household and I can actually get on with my life! 

I am in the middle of some sort if Identity crisis as well - trying to figure out what my own particular style is when it comes to crafts, decorating etc...
You see, I love mad crazy vibrant colours - but - I also love calm peaceful colours, I love clutter, and order, new and vintage...you get the idea.
Consequently I find what I am putting into my folksy shop is not quite one thing or another - it all seams a bit dis-jointed somehow.
on the other hand does it really matter? Do I need a clear cut image? or will one that hasn't quite made it's mind up ok? 
I have been like this all my life! what is a girl to do? oh well, just enjoy it all I suppose.
so - happy Autumn - and here is a pretty bad photo of my new crocheted shopping bag made from cotton bought at last Novembers knitting and stitching show at Harrogate.


Louise said...

I live in clutter, order, new and vintage. It's just being happy with it all that's important. I say be yourself and make what you yourself like. Then if you don't sell it you can keep it for yourself! x

Twiggy said...

I'm a bit of everything too, keeps life interesting !!
twiggy x

Gilly Tee said...

I'm with you on this. Although I find I like clutter as long as it's my clutter.

Simone said...

A very pretty bag! I am having an identity crisis too! If you make things and like them, other people are sure to like them too! x

Dawn said...

I like a bit of everything, in moderation of course!

Jessie McKitrick said...

Just keep going; if there's a pattern, it will emerge on its own time. As long as you're working on stuff you like, it will be your style.

The Patchwork Heart said...

Hi I just found your blog via tilly rose, I too have just made a raggedy quilt, do visit me
Heather x